Wednesday, February 11, 2009

why everyone's being unfair to me ?

fr tday lah, suma tanak ckp ngan aku ouh, well aku tak kesa, tp klau aku da tego tuh, cuba jwb, sket pn tape ah, aiyaa, dis morning i woke up late, around 6.50 am, gah ! then i bcame really stress coz i'm afraid to arrive at school late, but actually it's nothing, but fr tday lah (again) and then alya dgn gila gila die (of course), i dnt mind but campur dgn school thingy and duduk dlm kelas, it's start to make me feel like heck ! but dat morning, alya put black nail colour/polish, wtv i dnt remember, at my nail, i must admit and say dat it's kinda cool, well thanks alya, dont be offnd about you being gila gila, and then rehat, we're not going anywhere, just ulang alik 4.1 and 4.2, ceh bukan jumpa org yg aku nak pn, pfftt haha, but azma, effa yg lepak kt kelas kteorg done their nail also ( what ? sounds like we're having slumber party at school, muahaha :)) ) then ble tyme bm and akaun, mmg 'tak' ngantok ah, lg ngantok dr sejarah pg tuh haha but finally i got over it, ble balik, haaa mmg cium lah beshties beshties itu, mereka mmg layan bana but khaulah do layan me, and of course, my dearest alya and azma, syg korg tp korg tak syg kte en :< after dat, blk umah, i still have a lot of things to do, but but i really wanna say dat i'm still waiting for a miracle to happen, i need something to change my heck lonely quiet lifee, alritee the end, 16:55 110209 ( 5 days more, isnt it ?) =)

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Welcomeeeee :D

heyya =)