Wednesday, August 12, 2009


tday i byk tdo yeaahhh haha ari nih sejuk ape, pg td hujan haha
ohh azma tak dtg, i perasan dia tk dtg mse nmpk paien, alya, khai blk dr kantin
time tuh tgh sembang dgn myla psl CAT, ACCA, IB, IGCSE, O-LEVEL, A-LEVEL
dan betapa lembabnye sistem education kt malaysia nih
so azma, ure not the only one that kutuks dat political thingy haha
and i dare adli bake muffin, we'll see dis friday
pelik ouh ! laki ske masak than bake, but for me, i think bake is much more easier than masak :D
adli salam alwan pndai masak haha tatau dgr dgr jeh =)))
and guess what, dora lai and fyza got better result than me in PK3
dont care much but dat shows how ignorant am i for PK3 ngeee :D:D
erghhh nk tgk wyg bfore puasa and mlsnye nk trial bosan bosan -.-'
ermm dats all i think fr tday, nk hujan and da guruh kilat sgt scary, bye bye =)

- boys are stupid, throw rocks at them, is it true ? i dnt think they are but they are just being and acting stupid haha-

1 comment:

  1. #yup2.
    byk stuju sama zaf.
    education msia lembap!!
    #skrgkan dah nk kiamat.
    pompuan gy keje laki dok uma jge anak and masak2. haha.
    #andand,, stkt pk3 apelah sgt.
    tak rse ape pon.
    #nk tgk wyg gak!!
    ble nk gy?
    bgtau cpt2.
    mau ikot, klu dptlah :)


Welcomeeeee :D

heyya =)